physical wellbeing is the ability to engage in physical activities and social duties without being limited by physical restrictions or bodily suffering, as well as biological health indicators. It includes looking after our bodies as well as being conscious of our daily habits and behaviours. It encompasses lifestyle choices that promote health, prevent diseases and disorders, and allow people to live in a balanced state of body, mind, and soul.

Food and Nutrition, Fitness and Exercise, Stress Management, Sleep and Relaxation Techniques are a part of what we have in offer.Yoga, Diet and Nutrition consultations for a sustained state of well-being.

Homeopathy and Ayurveda consultations for medical interventions of existing symptoms.We have qualified and experienced professionals who Believeā€¦.. In You and Your Ability to Heal.

  • Homeopathy is a safe and effective therapeutic approach that works with the body's natural ability to repair itself. It recognises that, all signs and symptoms of illness are manifestations of internal discord, and that the patient must be treated holistically as an individual.
  • The primary purpose of a physician, according to homoeopathy, is to restore the sick to health, to cure them quickly, compassionately, and permanently. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, invented homoeopathy in 1796. It works on the idea of "Similia Similibus Curantur," which implies that likes cure likes (that a disease is cured by those remedies which produce effects resembling the disease itself in a healthy individual).
Ayurveda - Panch Bhautik Chikitsa
  • Panch Bhautik Chikitsa is a special branch of Ayurveda. It was pioneered by Vaidyaraj Datar Shastriji. Panch Bhautik Chikitsa is based on the principle of creating an equilibrium among the five elements in the body, viz matter, water, fire, air and space. An imbalance or a disturbance among these elements denotes disease. Ayurveda utilizes natural products like herbs, minerals, etc to develop medicines for treating various alignments.
  • Our experienced panel of doctors are experts in the use of PanchBhautik principles and have been treating patients for the past two decades.
Medical Yoga Therapy (Rope and Belt therapy)
  • Medical Yoga Therapy is a therapeutic form of Yoga and is extremely useful in relieving patients from severe joint pain. Yogacharya BKS Iyengar Guruji pioneered this concept in the 1970s with use of props like ropes, belts, bricks, bolster, etc to improve body alignment.
  • The use of props ensures an optimally aligned and balanced posture. Dr. S. V. Karandikar, an ardent disciple of Guruji, later developed this discipline by giving it a medical angle to the usage of the props to treat musculoskeletal disorders.
Ayurveda - Panchakarma Therapy

Panchkarma is a classic detox therapy. It is a combination of five detox procedures and is used to bring equilibrium among the doshas. The cleansing treatment is accompanied by oil applications, massage, steam baths and an accompanying diet plan

Yoga classes (Fitness batches, PCOS batch, Antenatal care, postnatal care)
  • Online medical yoga classes (fitness batch, 40 mins daily (Mon - Fri))
  • PCOS (special batches, 40 mins for a period of 3 months)
  • Antenatal and postnatal (special batches, 40 mins for a period of 3 months)
Diet & Nutrition

Medical Yoga Therapy is a therapeutic form of Yoga and is extremely useful in relieving patients from severe joint pain. Yogacharya BKS Iyengar Guruji pioneered this concept in the 1970s with use of props like ropes, belts, bricks, bolster, etc to improve body alignment. The use of props ensures an optimally aligned and balanced posture. Dr. S. V. Karandikar, an ardent disciple of Guruji, later developed this discipline by giving it a medical angle to the usage of the props to treat musculoskeletal disorders.