Mental Wellbeing Testimonials



Shahana K

I went to harmony a few months ago. I had major digestion issues. Acidity, bloating and related issues bothered me a lot. Medical check-ups revealed nothing. But I was in constant discomfort for many months. That’s when my doctor advised me to get therapy. Very unassumingly the counselor, in just a few sessions, helped me to identify the real problem. I had been eating too much too fast. I just couldn’t work it out, neither could my doctor. I have decided that I will visit Harmony once in a while as I have realized the need for physical and mental checkup. I can say today that I feel like a free man. Gratitude!

Sahil S

I always thought I was useless, good for nothing and and even though I sometimes joked about me, it did hurt me. I would always wonder if my life would ever be normal. I had already quit a couple of jobs and was worried I would end up jobless as I was low on self confidence. I had a young daughter and wife who needed me, but even that I was not sure of. I was a real mess. That’s when I decided to go in for therapy and it was my luck found Harmony. I have been associated with Harmony for the last 2 years. My therapist, I feel, was the first person who believed in me and had faith in me. Despite so many ups and down she didn’t give up on me. Today I am a changed man, I have faith in me. I have no words to express my gratitude. I continue my association mainly to improve some of the other aspects of my life.

Fiona C

I lost my job during COVID first wave. I was distraught because I thought I had a secure job and I was good and well appreciated so when I was given I was shocked. I totally withdrew into a shell, didn’t bother looking for a job. I stopped talking and remained in my room. My parents got worried. That is how I landed up at Harmony. My counsellor helped me get back on track. She helped me to understand my true feelings. She explained that it was natural to get affected but important to move on. She actually helped me handle my emotions and move on. Basically she taught me how not to take things personally. Even though I still don’t know why I was given notice as I had an excellent record, it does not really matter. I have a better job and my prospects are really good. I also have a better understanding of myself and can handle crisis better. So, I now believe that it was good I lost my job then. Thank you Harmony for changing my life.

Rahul M

am a 40 year man. Three years ago I had a major car accident. I survived but 2 of my friends died. My life was completely different after that. Though it was not my fault, I stopped driving. I had nightmares and couldn’t sleep well. I was on regular pills. I had many other problems because of which I would start crying. I never visited my friend’s families. Doctor then advised my wife to take me to a therapist. It is now one year since I have been to therapist. Both I and my wife cannot believe the change. I regularly meet my friend’s families and seeing them smile or laugh makes me happy. I still feel sad but looking after them gives me great joy. I sleep well and other symptoms have gone. My family doctor is surprised with the results. I still have sessions with my therapist once in a while as I want to be better. My wife sometimes comes with me as she too finds it helpful. I have even started driving now. I thank god for taking me to the correct place.